
Friday, 28 January 2011

tutorial: Cartoon eyes

we followed a tutorial and made a pair of cartoon eyes which we were able to manipulate using an FFD box which we could use to give the eyes expressions. we also used point helpers to move the pupils by assigning the rotation movement to the helper i did this for both eyes then linked the two helpers to a 3rd helper so i could move both of them with the 3rd.

New project Making 3D characters!

the brief for this project is quite cool. we have to create a short animation with a comedy type character aimed at 4 to 14 year olds in a sort of Disney/pixar way the character has to be fairly original and expressive with personality. the expressions, personality and movements of the character are more important in this project then the over all look of the rest of the animation. for this project we have been asked to watch documentaries as well as people in the street so we can accurately reproduce body language and facial expressions.